Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lesson Reflection
Models are used in science to represent a system. Models help us grasp the relationships between parts of a system or help us better understand a phenomenon. I have often used models to help my students understand the topics we read about. I feel one of the jobs of middle school science is to help students visualize the concepts of science so that when they can connect further learning to those ideas. Models help explain an idea and allow students to better grasp complex concepts. “Even better than knowing about powerful models is knowing and doing scientific modeling” (Kenyon, 2008, p. 41). To teach my students about the interior structure of the Earth, I had them create a 1 mm to 1 km scale model of the Earth’s interior layers. I know that students understood the relative thickness of the layers after completing this activity because of the way they evaluated the models I presented to them. Students also evaluated the effectiveness of using an egg to as a model of Earth’s interior layers. Journal entries reflected understanding of the differences and similarities between these two structures.
The most successful part of the lesson was the investigation of the egg and Earth’s interior structure. During this investigation, students were scanning their books for more details about each layer of Earth and identifying similarities and differences that were quite impressive. The journal entries that were created from this investigation showed me what students understood and what I needed to reteach. I focused on the misconceptions as we created the models of the Earth the next day.
I should have students create their models of Earth’s interior before doing the egg-Earth investigation. Because the egg-Earth investigation was such a powerful piece, I think making the model first would provide students with more information that could be used for their comparison of the two structures. This year I revisited the comparison and had students write a paragraph stating why they think an egg is a good or bad model for the interior structure of the Earth. I know students would have been able to identify even more similarities and differences between the two structures if they had more information about Earth’s layers before doing the investigation.
Creating a model helped students see the different layers as separate parts of a whole. Although we read about traveling through layers of different materials at the beginning of the lesson, I do not think that my students understood how different each layer was. After making their own model, figuring out what the layer was made of, and how thick it was, students were having discussions about the differences of each layer. The part of the lesson that most impacted my students with disabilities was a virtual field trip through their model. I had students point to the area of their model being travelled through as I reread “How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World” (McNulty, 1979). Students were amazed at the fact that even though Earth’s crust is the thinnest layer, we have never drilled completely through it. We made several stops in Earth’s crust to talk about how deep humans have been, how deep the deepest mine is drilled, and where ground water is found. I was impressed by all the facts they remembered from the story and how they wanted to tie that information into their model.
The day after this lesson, to review and evaluate student learning, I showed students several models of the Earth’s interior and asked them to explain what was good and bad about the models. Students showed understanding of the increasing heat as you move from the surface to the core. They showed an understanding of the physical properties of each layer and every student was able to recognize if a layer was too thick or thin. They also shared other facts they had learned as a result of this investigation.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Natural Disaster Response

As we study natural disasters I will give students real world examples of those events. As we learn of the devastation these events can cause to humans and to the environment, I will share the impact these events have had. We will investigate the loss of human life, the monetary costs and the changes in politics that these events have caused.

In Ohio, we are not closely connected to hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or tsunamis, even tornadoes are not a huge threat to our area. Because of this students may have trouble picturing this idea concretely. To help them understand the impact of such storms, I could have students write emails or post questions for survivors of natural disasters. Giving students the opportunity to interact with people who have experienced such horrific events will make the abstract concept more concrete.

I will have students brainstorm ways that we can help those who do experience the wrath of such disasters. Since we are so lucky to live in a “safe” area of the world, we will come up with ways we can help others. In the past we have created Emergency Clean Up buckets. This ministry was taking place in one of our area churches following hurricane Katrina and students suggested we get involved by donating specific supplies and raising money to ship them. This project is a way we can offer practical help to those in need.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Application 5: Implementing the Backward Design Lesson Plan

Ecology is an important part of science education. “We don’t have any real idea how our present actions will affect the future. What we do know is that we have just one planet to inhabit, and we are the only species on it capable of deciding its future” (Bryson, 2008, p. 160). As students learn more about our environment, it is important that they understand the interrelationships between its living and non living parts. As students begin to see how their actions impact the world around them and their future, they will learn to be more aware citizens of the world. Ecology encourages people to think about the impacts of their daily decisions.
I created a lesson to help students understand the process of photosynthesis and the role it played in their own health. At the end of the lesson I was sure that all of my students understood the process of photosynthesis. I asked them to create a concept map that showed the process of photosynthesis. I was able to quickly assess which students understood what was used by the plant and what was made by the plant during this process. I liked this assessment piece because I could instantly see who understood this concept and who needed to investigate and learn more. I was also sure that students understood the role of plants in their lives. Students understood that as the Earth becomes more populated, the space for wildlife is reduced. To illustrate this point, I had students measure how much grass it would take to provide their daily oxygen needs (a 25 foot square). As the 12 of us sat in our boxed off area of the football field I asked them to consider how many in the school could have their oxygen needs met with the grass on the football field. Students saw the connection that more people require more plants to clean the air.
I began the lesson by having students brainstorm ways that plants help people. All of my students were very active in making this list on our interactive whiteboard. It was neat to see one child’s idea encourage another child to think of something to add. We then focused on things that people do to help plants. This list was a little harder for students to generate. I then asked students to notice the connection on the two lists. Plants help humans be removing carbon and adding oxygen to the air. Humans help plants by caring and protecting them. I then had students observe an underwater plant as it created oxygen. Students were captivated by seeing this process that they know they depend on taking place before their eyes. It was a great motivator for learning about the process of photosynthesis.
The area of my lesson that I will improve for next time is allowing more time for the lesson. Students were rushed to complete their pamphlet for the public. I also feel that students were unclear about the purpose for their pamphlet. The next time I teach this lesson I will make up a rubric that tells students what information to include in their pamphlet. I will also provide students with a list of websites to help them narrow their search. If students were directed to specific sites and were able to read about several different things that were being done to protect plants and why such things were happening, it would increase their learning experience.
The backward design process worked very well for me. It helped me make a relevant lesson that would empower my students to want to learn about a process that may have otherwise seemed boring and not at all important to their lives. By beginning with the end in mind, I was able to create learning experiences that were directly related to the end product. I put more thought into how I wanted to asses my students’ learning than I usually do. The assessment pieces made the learning easy to assess and ensured that students were attaining the enduring lessons I wanted them to accomplish. This process made me feel like I can make any lesson engaging and relevant for my students.
The backwards design approach was a perfect model for making a relevant ecology lesson. This experience encouraged me to connect students learning of the world around them to their part in the ecosystem. By focusing on what I wanted students to learn and retain from this lesson I was able to create a meaningful learning experience for my students. Although there were parts that need to be improved, I was able to help students meet the goals I set for them at the beginning of the lesson.


Bryson, Bill. (2008). A really short history of nearly everything. New York: Random House

Friday, September 10, 2010

Presentation Programs

I am a self-proclaimed Power Point Queen. I use these presentations to enhance lectures or visualize the ideas that I want to share with my students. I am a little apprehensive to learn a new program because I am so familiar with Power Point, but understand the benefits that the new programs offer. I am looking forward to learning a new program to make my presentations more intriguing for my students.
After watching the tutorials of Prezi I was very excited to create my own presentation. It seemed very easy and like there was a lot of help available. I watched some YouTube videos of Prezis and thought I would try to make my own. It was a little more difficult than I thought. Prezi uses a format that I am completely unfamiliar with. My biggest problem came from making frames. I could not figure out how to adjust the frames to go around phrases I had written. Then, when I wanted to set a course for my presentation to follow, I had to use the mismatched frames I had created. I want to spend more time investigating this tool because I saw evidence of some very nice, interesting presentations that were created using this program. I like the non-linear setup and freedom this program allows. I think I will be able to find an answer to my problem because there are several tutorials and examples available on the internet. I do not know if I would use this for my course project because I am so unfamiliar with the format and would be afraid something would go wrong and I would not know how to fix it
Cool Tools for School offered a very user friendly presentation tool called Prezentit. I was easily able to figure out how to create slides and add information, pictures, and interesting text. I could not easily find tutorials, but was able to navigate pretty easily through the site. The setup was more Power Point-like so I was much more comfortable creating a presentation using this program. I liked the graphics and background choices. They were of a higher quality than those of Power Point. I did have some trouble importing pictures though. I am a little worried about this because I will definitely want imported pictures for my Course Project.
I will probably use Prezentit for my course presentation. I am looking forward to getting to know the program better as I build my own presentation week by week. I am not giving up on Prezi though. I will spend more time learning to use this program so that I can implement it in my classroom.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Energy is an important issue in the news right now. Students have probably heard about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and a lot of talk about the impact the oil spill may have on our future. I chose to look for websites that taught students about sources of energy and also gave information about alternative fuel sources that may be renewable or less harmful to our planet. I found several informational websites that put information into kid friendly terms, but my favorite site allowed children the opportunity to interact with, connect to, and clarify information of their choice.
The site I found taught students to go beyond just reading information. This site called, NOVA: Science in the News, took news stories and allowed students to read an article about current events and science issues. This website: went further by providing a glossary, related activities, websites, and further reading suggestions. The activities offered ranged from graphic organizers to critical thinking pieces that helped children make sense of what they were reading or even apply a newly acquired skill.
The website encouraged various 21st century skills that would increase interest in science. It also provided guidance so that children could apply their scientific knowledge. I was mostly impressed with the activities that the sites suggested. The article about geothermal energy had a related activity that asked students to evaluate geothermal energy. This site provided detailed questions that should be asked and put students in a real-life scenario. This sort of activity encourages students to practice the problem solving and collaboration skills that are such an important part of science.
The aspect of this website that I especially liked was the choice it offered young scientists. Although all articles were about energy, students could pick an area that interested them and in many cases, after reading the article, they could pick a follow up activity, be directed to another related site or find alternative reading material about the topic. The way this site was set up allowed students to inquire and investigate in a guided way, but still allowed them to make selections of their choice.
This Australian Academy of Science website did not just have information about energy. Students could explore various physical science concepts. I think this site would be an excellent source for sidebar studies. I often encourage my students to begin investigations of their own based on the information we are studying in science class. Sometimes students have a hard time finding a topic when they are given limitless possibilities. This site would be an excellent source for students to chose an article and then begin an investigation with guidance. I could definitely use this site to introduce my students to the concepts of sidebar studies. “Most students, regardless of age, need extensive practice to develop their inquiry abilities and understandings to a point where they can conduct their own investigation form start to finish” (Banchi & Bell, 2008). I believe that this website will help my students build skills they need to do scientific research on their own.
Although I am excited about using this source, one of the biggest challenges I have is access to technology. Ideally, I would have the students in the computer lab researching once a week, but we are lucky to get the lab once every two weeks. Also, even when we get to use the computer lab, we are plagued by broken computers, lost passwords and other obstacles to learning.

Banchi, H., & Bell, R. 2008. The many levels of inquiry. Science & Children, 46(2), 26–
NOVA: Science in the news. Retrived on June 12, 2010 from:

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I will explore heat transfer by investigating which material will best insulate water in a coffee mug. The investigation will involve filling 4 glass mugs with ¾ cup of hot water. I will then cover each mug with a different material and seal it with a rubber band. When choosing my materials, I tried to find both commonly used objects and those that were not typically associated with kitchen use. I chose a piece of velvet, a piece of fleece, a piece of aluminum foil, and a piece of plastic wrap. I hypothesized that the velvet would be the best insulator because it was a tightly woven thick material that would trap the most heat. I chose plastic wrap and aluminum foil because I commonly use them when trying to trap heat when cooking.
My investigation revealed that aluminum foil was the best insulator for stopping radiant heat loss. The aluminum foil held tight with a rubber band formed a seal that trapped the heat and kept it inside the cup. The trapped heat reflected off the shiny aluminum surface and back to the water causing the water to retain a high temperature. Although the aluminum foil felt hot, it did not let much heat escape. This trapping of air is the reason that thermoses are such good insulators of hot drinks and soups.
I thought velvet would be a much better insulator than fleece because velvet is tightly woven and thicker than fleece. I found that their insulating abilities were very similar. These results caused me to further explore why this happened. I investigated winter clothing. Upon reading further, I understood that fleece is a good layer of insulation between you and your clothes because it is full of air spaces that stop heat transfer. “Most insulating materials are good insulators because they contain many small air spaces. The small air spaces are poor conductors because the molecules of air are far apart, compared to a solid, making it more difficult to pass the increased vibrating motion from molecule to molecule” (Tillery, Enger, & Ross, 2008 p.86). This explains the warming qualities of wool and other fluffy fabrics. A velvet coat would trap heat from your body and make you feel warmer. But a velvet coat with a fleece lining would prepare you for especially cold winter conditions.
This investigation helped me understand that heat can be transferred through conduction, radiation and convection. Because heat is lost in these three different ways, different materials are required to stop the heat from leaving through conduction, radiation and convection. Foil is a good insulator to trap radiant energy, but is not a practical insulator for homes or people.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: How might you set up this or a similar experiment for students in your classroom? How could you make this experiment more fun, interesting, or engaging for your students? How might you design this experiment so that it is relevant to students’ lives?
I could set up a similar experiment for my students to explore heat transfer. This week we had a very hot field day and students were unhappy to find that their water bottles were not providing a cold drink of water. This circumstance would provide relevance for investigating different insulators. Students could test which insulator would best keep the 85 degree air from warming the water in their bottles. The students will investigate many materials and test them by taking them out in the hot sun for 30 minutes and measuring the temperature change. Students will then explore further to explain why certain materials worked better than others.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Which pendulum will come to rest more quickly--a lighter pendulum or a heavier pendulum? When beginning this inquiry, I honestly did not know the answer to this question. I thought that the greater mass of the pendulum would definitely cause it to swing with more momentum, but was not sure if this greater amount of weight would end up stopping the pendulum sooner. I made the hypothesis that a greater weight would cause the pendulum to stop moving sooner than the pendulum with the lighter weight. I gathered the materials to make a homemade pendulum. I used string and two nails with very different masses. My first attempts at measuring the amount of time the pendulum swung made me realize that I had to be more precise in my experiment. In order to only change one variable I had to control all others. I realized I had to attach the nail to the same place on the string so that the length of each pendulum was equal. The only thing I wanted to change in my experiment was the mass of the nail. I decided to test each nail three times and compare each nail’s average time.
As I watched and felt the first nail swing on the pendulum, I noticed that it was moving quickly, but losing height quickly. After three trials, I came to the conclusion that the lighter mass allowed the pendulum to swing quickly, but because it did not have much mass, it slowed each period. The second nail had more mass. I repeated the same procedure for the second nail and quickly realized that it was moving slower. The mass on the end of the pendulum seemed to give it an added boost, like a child swinging their legs while swinging. Although this pendulum was moving slowly, it was not losing height nearly as fast. I could feel that the mass of the nail was giving it an advantage over the first nail.
My hypothesis was incorrect. Through experimentation I learned that a greater mass means that an object will be harder to stop. “Momentum is defined as the product of the mass of an object and its velocity” (Tillery, Enger & Ross, 2008, p. 43). Since I was beginning the nails at the same height and simply releasing them from the same pendulum, the nail with the greater mass caused the pendulum to move with greater momentum. Because the lighter pendulum did not have as much mass, it came to rest more quickly.
Before completing this experience I struggled to identify how to make my pendulum a different mass without altering the air resistance. I chose the nails because they were such different masses. I could have used the washers because they were similar sizes and shapes, but I thought they did not provide a big enough difference in mass to be effective. I worried that simply holding the string was not a scientific enough procedure, but I think that feeling the differences in the masses help explain why the object with the greater mass continues swinging longer than the pendulum with the lighter mass. I think that students should be made aware of the fact that they must make sure they hold the string still and in the same spot, but having them hold the pendulum will help them feel why the pendulum with the greater mass swings longer than the lighter one.
I think that having my students engage in a guided inquiry experience would build skills that would make them more scientifically literate. I want my students to move past memorizing definitions and explanations to higher levels of understanding. Designing their own investigation to answer a question will help students take their knowledge to the next level. Though they have read about the scientific method and that only one variable in the experiment can be changed, they do not realize the importance of these concepts until they have the freedom to investigate on their own. During my investigation, I discovered that I needed to think about how to control all the variables but one. My students would experience the effects and confusion of results if they do not set up the investigation properly.
Guided inquiry “is most successful when students have had numerous opportunities to learn and practice different ways to plan experiments and record data” (Banchi & Bell, 2005). I definitely could not have my students do this guided inquiry experience on their own tomorrow. Although I see the benefits of having students design their own experiments, I understand that it takes much practice to get to this point. I could however, do this investigation in front of the class. I could take suggestions for what materials to use, what procedures to follow, and have students analyze and record the data. This sort of whole class practice will help my students build the skills and confidence they need to design and carry out an investigation of their own. “Students need to experience science through direct experience, consistently practicing the inquiry skills and seeking deeper understandings of science content through their investigations” Banchi & Bell, 2005).

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Structured Inquiry Lesson Reflection

“Science inquiry is a process of trying to explain observations made of the natural world around us” (Buxton & Provenzo, 2007, p. 16). This week in my seventh grade Earth and Space Science classroom, I designed an inquiry lesson that allowed my students to investigate what causes certain areas of Earth to experience seasonal changes. In this inquiry lesson, students made a hypothesis about what they thought caused seasons and then carried out an investigation to gather information about how the Earth moves around the Sun. Students also investigated how this movement around the sun could cause seasonal changes on some areas of Earth. During this investigation, students were making measurements, creating models and drawing conclusions to help them explain a natural phenomenon. This lesson allowed my students to understand the science behind the cause of seasons. It strengthened their knowledge from memorization of facts to understanding of scientific principles.

I began my lesson by having students explain (through drawing a picture or writing an explanation) what causes the seasonal changes on Earth. This assessment allowed me to see that many students understood that Earth had a tilted axis and that was a contributing factor to the change in seasons. This assessment also showed me that some students thought we get closer to the sun during summer and farther from the sun during the winter. None of the drawings of the cause of seasons showed Earth revolving around the Sun.

After this assessment I had students complete an on-line investigation called “A Year of the Sun” (McDougal & Littell, 2010). In this investigation students observed and measured the diameter of pictures of the Sun taken one month apart for a year. Then students used this measurement to figure the Earth’s distance from the Sun each month. Finally students plotted these points around the Sun and saw the shape of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. They were able to draw conclusions about when the Earth is closest to and furthest from the Sun. In my opinion, this part of the lesson provided the most enduring lesson for students. They were able to see Earth’s elliptical orbit because they had plotted actual distances throughout the year. Students were also given proof that the Sun is most distant in the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer and closest in the Northern Hemisphere’s Winter. This fact was mind blowing for some of my students. It left them puzzled and allowed enough confusion that they wanted to find out how it was possible for our warmest time of the year to be the same time of the year we are farthest from the Sun. “There are certain rules involved in this [inquiry] process, including the generation of theory, the collection of data through observation, and/or measurement and the analysis and interpretation of those data in an attempt to answer the initial question” (Buxton & Provenzo, 2007, p. 16).

The next day I put the information collected from the previous day’s exploration and told students that according to each groups measurements Earth is farthest from the Sun during our Summer and closest to the Sun during the Winter. I gave students 2 minutes to discuss this conclusion with their groups. Then, I told students that I would give them tools to model Earth’s revolution around the Sun. They would make observations and draw conclusions about what accounts for the seasonal differences we experience during the year. Students were given a lab investigation sheet and began the experiment.

As students investigated how Earth moved around the Sun, they were asked to draw the pattern of light and shadow on the ball at 4 different points in the orbit. As I went around to each group they were making connections between the amount of light and seasons. Students were able to deduct that the hemisphere with the most light and least shadow would have the longest days. They also saw that the hemisphere that had the most light was getting direct sunlight making it warmer. They were able to see that there were two positions where both hemispheres received equal light meaning it must be spring and autumn.
Figure 1: Stephanie’s responses and drawing for questions #10-12:

Why do seasons change during the year?
Student response: Because of its tilt and movement around the sun.
Can you explain why not every area on the surface has seasons?
Student response: Yes, because the tropical zones get direct sunlight all year and the poles get indirect sunlight all year. So, some places get direct sunlight while others do not get any direct sunlight all year.

Figure 2: Mckenzie’s Response and Drawing for question #9.

As I observed the conversations going on at one group, I could tell they were really making connections to why areas experience different seasons. I was disappointed though to see their sketches of the globes. My students had trouble transferring what they were seeing onto the paper. The same students that were giving me beautiful oral explanations of where the globe was illuminated were not able to draw that on their own sketch.

Figure 3: Tyler’s responses and drawing to questions #10-12:
Why do seasons change during the year?
Student response: Because of Earth’s orbit around the sun and its tilted axis, areas get different amounts of sunlight throughout the year.

Can you explain why not every area on the surface has seasons?
Student response: Because of Earth’s axis, some parts on Earth receive less sunlight so they only have winter or when they receive more sunlight they only have summer.

The most disappointing part of this explanation came during the explanation phase. Students were able to express their thinking verbally but had trouble answering the questions I had prepared for them. Making the model seemed to be the most challenging part for my students. To improve this lesson, I should “design a set of thought-provoking questions that allow students to explain what they did and reflect on what they learned” (Hammerman, 2006). I think that the drawing was a great way to have them transfer their learning, but I should have reinforced that a scientific drawing should include everything they see. (the axis, equator, pattern of light, etc.) Students must understand that they should draw exactly what they see if they want their drawing to be evidence for their investigation. Unfortunately many of my students were drawing what they thought the Earth should look like in each position instead of exactly what they observed.
Figure 3: Faulty drawings

Student response: The seasons change during the year because of Earth’s tilted axis and revolution around the sun.
Student response: Not every area on the surface of Earth has seasons because there on the equator and they get direct sunlight all year.

As a result of teaching this inquiry science lesson, I learned that students gain a deeper understanding of scientific principles when they investigate and discover those principles on their own. In the past, I have told my students about Earth’s elliptical orbit and that we are closer to the sun in our hemisphere’s winter and only about half of the students really seem to get it. But having the students use real pictures of the sun and take their own measurements to model the Earth’s orbit and position at each month of the year really made the lesson meaningful to students. Students also gained a deeper understanding of the reason some areas on Earth’s surface experience changing seasons.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Melting Icebergs Experiment

I just finished teaching my students about global warming. I like the study of climate change because it feels so relevant and right now. My students really get into learning about the causes, effects and different solution to the problem. I now think I will take a different approach to teaching this subject. I enjoyed this Science Inquiry Experience. I thought this lesson was a great way to guide students to make discoveries of their own. The most helpful part for me was the part where I considered other explanations. I learned how to have my students engage and explore before researching what other investigations are reporting. Having to construct a Venn diagram that compared the various viewpoints was such an enduring lesson for me. It helped me focus my research on a specific goal, look at several different viewpoints and draw my own conclusions.

Polar ice caps melting leads, initially, to an increase in runoff but could eventually lead to drought conditions and a water and food crisis. The melting ice provides the water needed to sustain many crops, people and animals. These shrinking glaciers mean harsh consequences for the whole Earth. A decreased water supply in some areas of our world could mean an increase in food prices all over the globe. Rivers drying up also have social consequences. This would make a great interdisciplinary lesson because it helps children think about cultures different from our own. It also helps them see that what we do makes a difference and that technology can have both benefits and burdens.

The lesson of climate change can be differentiated, because students can explore so many different effects of this change. They can study how plant and animal species are affected by the changes in climate or how rising sea levels will cause changes in the maps of the world. Students can also study new technologies created to help limit our greenhouse gas emissions. I also saw a study that said methane trapped more heat than CO2 and thought that would be an interesting study for students.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I enjoyed planning this lesson. It definitely took me a while to get going and find exactly what I wanted students to do at each step; but it was an enjoyable learning experience for me. I took a different approach to planning this lesson to be sure to engage my students and lead them to investigate on their own. I do not usually incorporate historical perspectives into my lessons, but have recognized through our resources in this course that it adds a richness and relevance to science lessons. I tried to engage my students by showing them how their knowledge could be beneficial to them or their community members. I tried to plan experiences that would make all of my students excited about learning and help them see that science knowledge is to be used and shared.

I enjoyed using the 5 E’s strategy, although it was my first experience with this strategy. It was a great organizer that kept me focused on the 5 important elements my lesson needed. This is a practical strategy that I can use to plan all my lessons. It helped me consider how my diverse students could be both motivated and successful while learning a practical lesson of science and weather. "Teachers have a legal as well as an ethical obligation to do their best to break down the barriers and assist these students to learn" (Buxton & Provenzo, 2007,p.90).

When implementing this lesson in my classroom, I will have to provide students with specific guidelines for searching the internet. They are not very good at internet research yet, but I have been working to help them learn how to pick relevant information from supplemental information. We also have limited access to computers, so I will have to make special arrangements to ensure our access. I am excited for my students to conduct interviews to gain information about the lesson. They will definitely benefit from these conversations with adults in their lives. "A fundamental shift in science education reform has been the emphasis on scientific literacy for all students, as opposed to scientific mastery for a small, elite number of students" (Buxton & Provenzo, 2007, p. 99). I am hoping to highlight that all people can benefit from an understanding of basic scientific principles. I have done interview assignments in the past and many students forget to do them. I am hoping that students are so engaged in the lesson that they are excited to perform their interviews and I do not have many that forget to do it.

Buxton, C.A. & Provenzo, E.F., Jr. (2007). Teaching Science in Elementary & Middle School: A Cognitive and Cultural Approach. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications